Saturday, October 29, 2016

Halloween Fun!

The students celebrated Halloween Friday night since they are leaving for Egypt tomorrow. The children of the professors were invited to come in costume and "trick or treat" at the Jerusalem Center.

The cooks got into the action by decorating the Oasis 
(that's the cafeteria) so the setting was perfect.

Photo: Ophir (Jewish professor) brought his children to "Trick or Treat" so everyone purchased kosher treats to give out. This is the 2nd time in their life they've experienced the celebration of Halloween. Janice Esplin (professor's wife) helped direct them to the next level where Dr. Esplin was waiting with two or their children to give out treats. Since the students live on two levels, it was a fun outing for the little people in costume. They went door to door and collected lots of treats.

Friday morning the students went to class in costumes and of course, the Holyoaks could not be outdone . . just wait!

These girls were so creative making their beards. Want to know how they did this? Their hair is long so they put a band around their face and by pulling their hair back around and over it, they created long beards. Genius! I saw these girls going to class first thing Friday morning and figured Garth and I needed to get into costume too.

Photo: These girls were my inspiration.

Photo: "It's a boy . . . a really big boy!"

Photo: After a very intense night, the Holyoaks were proud to show off their baby boy! Everyone cheered.

Happy Halloween and to all a good night! We left as the students 
danced the night away but we had a baby to take care of!!!


  1. I am always amazed that the students come up with these amazing costumes BUT you and Garth are the winners. So funny!!
