Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day

Today is one day we all need to remember because without our fathers, none of us would be here! I am very thankful for all the fathers in my life: grandfathers, fathers, uncles, brothers, my husband, sons-in-law and to the many fathers in this world I so greatly admire. My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person . . . he believed in me and never doubted my ability to accomplish whatever I wanted to do. My father and I were always very close and he was the voice of certainty in my life. He taught me to love everyone, regardless of their ethnicity and was always willing to help someone in need. I pay tribute to him this day and am very grateful for everything he taught me. Photo: Sylvan B. Wood, my father. He died at the age of 73 in 1981.
Photo: My father and me in Hawaii, the place I was born.
Photo: My father when I was married, August 09, 1966.
Photo: My grandfather, Benjamin Wood, in Canada where he lived his entire life.
Photo: John L. Holyoak, my wonderful father-in-law on his horse, Nugget in Idaho. He passed away in 1993. He was a wonderful, hard-working and genuine individual who made me feel loved. He always asked me to make coleslaw whenever he came to visit.
Photo: G'pa Holyoak as our family called him, loved to fish in Alaska. He always said, "I will catch the first and the biggest!"
Photo: Garth and his father on a hunting trip.
From Garth in tribute to his father: "I regard my dad as one of the greatest men I have ever known. His love for his family and for teaching us the value of work has been invaluable. I never doubted the love he had for me. He was fun to be around and if Dad was there, I didn't need to worry. Dad showed and gave us opportunities for the best in life and I am proud to be called his son. Dad, let's go hunting and fishing. I love you . . . Happy Father's Day!"
Photo: Garth's grandfather, Clark Judd, who was a farmer in Idaho.
Photo: G'pa John with Michelle and Keri.
Photo: Garth and daughters, 1976.
Photo: Tired Daddy and baby Karisa, 1980.
Photo: Our family, 1980.
Photo: Garth and Keri skiing.
Photo: Garth and Heather, 1981.
Photo: Fun on the beach, 1984.
Photo: Garth and our first grandchild, Aaron.
Photo: Father's Day, 2011 with some of our grandchildren.
Photo: Hiking the Grand Canyon, 2014.
Photo: Garth in Jerusalem, 2016.
Photo: "I am grateful for my brothers, for the lives they live and what they have accomplished. I am proud to call them brother." Garth
Photo: My brother and me in Honolulu, 1944.
Photo: My brother and me, 1949.
Photo: I only had one brother (6 years older) but our mother had a stillborn baby boy while our parents and brother were living in Hawaii.
Photo: My favorite photo of my brother who died two years ago.
Garth and I are so grateful for all the fathers who have touched our lives and we wish each a very Happy Father's Day. This is one Father's Day we will never forget!

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful tribute to the wonderful men who have shaped your lives.
