Saturday, April 23, 2016

Goodbye to Winter Semester Students

This past week the students who came in January for their semester abroad bid us goodbye. It was a tearful parting as we have become close to so many. The night before they left, the cooks from the Oasis prepared a wonderful barbecue dinner outside on the patio; afterwards a committee of students showed us a wonderful music video they had put together with literally hundreds of photos from the semester. Every day has been a joy as students welcomed us with open arms. Photo: Student choir. Having the opportunity to lead the choir gave me the opportunity to become more personally acquainted with students right from the beginning. One week ago, their last Sabbath in Jerusalem, they sang my song, "My Savior Lives" in church and did a beautiful job and I was so proud of them. Music has a way of touching hearts . . . they certainly touched mine and I heard compliments from many in attendance.
Last Saturday evening a special event was held in the auditorium called "The Upper Room." Students participated musically and read scriptures relating to the Last Supper and the last evening Jesus spent with his apostles. A small ensemble performed my music, "Mary, Why Weepest Thou?" and a student soloist sang "That Night in Gethsemane." Drs. Skinner and Whitchurch gave wonderful messages and at the conclusion, students were allowed time to record meaningful thoughts in their journals. The spirit was strong, the students were touched and as they left only whispers could be heard.
Last Supper was one of the most important events in the ministry of Jesus predicting His betrayal and identifying Judas as the betrayer (Matthew 26: 21-15). That night Christ instituted the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper (Matt. 26: 26-29), washed the feet of His apostles (John 13:4-15) and they sang songs together (Matt 26: 30). He also taught them about the "Comforter" and the famous Intercessory Prayer (John 13 - 17). Jesus then went to the Garden of Gethsemane where He prayed and bled from every pore, atoning for our sins.
Photo: Julianne at the farewell dinner at the Oasis.
Photo: One of our favorite chefs. Our chefs work very hard to plan and prepare nutritious meals and special dinners for events.
Photo: Baked salmon.
Photo: JT Carden, from our home ward, was a student winter semester and is headed to Ohio to work for the summer.
Photo: Sabrina, daughter of a professor here, and the little girl who assists me at the organ when I play for church services.
Photo: Brody was such a great student, as all of them were.
Photo: Men from security attended the dinner. They guard the Jerusalem Center like hawks and won't let anyone in who has not previously arranged to visit the center. These men, along with many others, are responsible for our safety and we greatly appreciate their efforts as they help watch over us. Cameras are everywhere and at every entrance in the effort to keep us safe and are manned 24/7. We feel safer here than we do in Arizona, despite all the stabbings and bombings that occur around us. Each student is given a smart phone which they are required to carry wherever they go. Each day security updates us where we can and cannot go and give us curfew hours.
Photo: Nolan was one of those special students we became good friends and was a roommate for JT Carden. He is also headed to Ohio for the summer to work.
Photo: The cooks topped off our delicious meal with a farewell cake.
Photo: The students designed a T-shirt for their group.
Photo: Last class photo in the forum lecture hall.
Photo: Bags were beginning to full the 8th floor before departing for the airport at 8 PM.
Photo: After dinner, students gave each other hugs and tears were shed as they prepared to depart. Jacob, son of one of the professors, was a hugger and all the students adored him as well as his siblings.
Photo: Kamden and JT became good friends. Both had smiles contagious smiles!
Photo: It was hard to hold back the tears when students came up for hugs and last minute photos. I certainly hope we will see them again and that they will stay in touch.
Photo: Becca had a hard time saying "Goodbye". She was one of the first students who came up when we first arrived. She gave me a welcome hug and said, "I'm so glad you are here."
Photo: Ben was ready to get on that bus and head back to America, the home of the free!
Photo: Julianne.
Photo: Clorissa was the last student out of the center.
Photo: Two buses were loaded to the max with bags and souvenirs. Some students were so loaded I had to help them pack their bags so pottery would get home safely. We stood outside the gate of the Jerusalem Center and watched as every last student boarded the bus. It was emotional to watch the buses drive away and I felt like a mother hen who was saying goodbye to her chicks. There were so many others students we were close to that we didn't have farewell photos with, but they know who they are and I know we will see them again one day.
Photo: Shalom, and one last view of Jerusalem through the arches of the Jerusalem Center "Until we meet again!"


  1. Beautiful. These kids will never forget you. Nor you them.

  2. It made me cry just to read about the farewell. What a delightful time
