Thursday, August 18, 2016

A birthday in the family!

Today is the birthday of our oldest grandchild, Savannah. She is beautiful in every way and looks a lot like her mother, Michelle. Photos bring back so many memories and as they say, "Photos speak a thousand words!" We love you, dear Savannah and hope your birthday is wonderful is every way. It seems like yesterday when you were born and you've grown up way too fast. Here are some of my favorite photos.
I am reminded of the song, "You must have been a beautiful baby . . . . "
Photo: Four generations.
Photo: 4 months old on a Holyoak family cruise.
Photo: Crawling.
Photo: Savannah was our first grandchild and because of her, I decided to write an album of children's music.
G'pa Garth showing her some of Uncle Bob's trophies.
Photo at Henry's Lake: "I'm not sure I want to go fishing!"
"When you were only startin' to go to kindergarten I bet you drove the little boys wild!"
Savannah has won many ribbons with her equestrian riding and has no fear jumping hurdles.
Photo: Savannah and Caspian.
Savannah has a new nephew, Taft.
Savannah with Mom, sister (Seurette) and cousin (Holland).
Right photo: "Should I cut my hair?"
Photo: Savannah and niece, Audrey. "Baby, look at you now!" HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SAVANNAH!! We love you from across the globe! G'ma Kat & G'pa Garth

1 comment:

  1. She is such a beautiful girl. No wonder you're crazy about her. Our oldest granddaughter just left for a mission in July. We can't believe we're moving into the next generation of missions, marriages, and babies, though we hope the latter two are still a few years away.
