Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sunday, March 6

Israel mixes old and new and its population is an interesting blend of religions, origins and congregations. Most Israelis work a five to six day work week from about 8 or 9 in the morning to 5 or 6 in the evening; children go to school six days a week, with Friday being a shorter day. Having our Sabbath on Saturday, today we ventured out looking for a specific place to get groceries but got lost in a Jewish area.
Christian school girls.
Most of my photos of people are taken while driving around in our car. I laughed when I saw this photo . . . the photo is bad in the fact that the only interesting image I got was of myself! The young man in the photo is looking at a book that is priced at 75 NIS (sheckles which equals in American dollars about $25.)
We are fascinated by the Jewish men with their side curls and have grown to really love the very modest dress of everyone we see. After living in Israel for one month, we have grown to appreciate women who dress modestly and must say to all Mormon girls, "You've got it easy!!"

1 comment:

  1. why do only orthodox jews not cut their payot (side curls)? do you know the meaning behind it?
