Sunday, January 17, 2016

One week before we leave Arizona!

This weekend has been bitter-sweet as family and friends came from several states to attend my organ recital last night and our farewell today.  It was fun to gather for a recital at the Scottsdale North Stake's building and such a privilege to play their wonderful pipe organ.  For the first time in my life, I felt an inner peace as I performed and also as I delivered my talk in church today. Was it perfect? Of course not, but those who came were there to support us and not to judge as we venture into a new phase of life in a new country.  It meant the world to look into the audience and see people we had never expected to attend.  We are so thankful for each of you and hope that as we share you might be enlightened.

Here are some photos from the weekend.

Our four daughters came from California, Colorado, and Utah for the weekend.  

The Livingston family came from California.

What a surprise to have Pres. Joe and Bernice Nichols come from Utah!
Tess and Tammy Nelson, very special friends, are from our stake.

Cousins and more cousins with our daughters.  

We took one last family photo right after church today and before our daughters left for the airport.

Our beautiful, talented daughters who are such great examples to us.


  1. I am so happy for you two. What a blessing and fun adventure!I'll miss you so much.

  2. I am just checking to see if this is working. I love you, KB!

  3. Thank you for sending this on to us. Wonderful pictures. How special to be able to go to Jerusalem. By the way what will Garth be doing. It sounds like your assignment will be teaching and performing? We know you can't proselyte there so they must be having you do something else?

  4. So excited for you. Looking forward to being enlightened by you blog. Thanks for sharing.

  5. The recital was such a blessing to attend and was so fascinating to be able to watch you from the stage. I'm so excited for you guys and know that you are going to bless so many lives. my love and prayers will be with you always !!

  6. Have a great trip and a wonderful experience. Reid Holyoak

  7. I am glad that you arrived safely. I am glad that you shared your experience with the new cultures with us on the plane. I have full faith in Garth that he will do just fine, given a bit of time to learn his new computer programs. Reid Holyoak
